Everyone benefits from the
honey and wax bees make. Bee’s pollination activities are essential for plant
life. These activities alone led people for thousands of years to keep bees.
Beneficial uses for everything that bees produce including their poison were
found. Today, there are many new applications for bee products being initiated.
Bees are a business model of efficiency and productivity.
Money Bees |
There are numerous uses for bees and their products. Many have made a businesses out of their bee keeping hobby. There are positive uses for bees honey, wax, propolis, royal jelly and venom.
Honey Remedies
While honey is as sweet as sugar it is actually relatively healthy. In addition to tasting good it is used for soar throats, stomach ulcers, hydration and more. Royal jelly secreted by nursing bees is rich in many vitamins including B1, B2, B6, B12, E, C and A. Propolis and honey are both effective at treating cuts.
Mysterious Bee Venom
Astonishingly, bee venom is more potent than rattlesnake poison per drop. It is a rich source of pharmaceutical components. There are dozens of medicines with bee venom as an active ingredient. For hundreds of years, bee venom has been used to treat rheumatic fever and neuritis among other diseases. Some arthritis patients now use it. Beekeepers have specialized techniques to gather bee venom. More uses are sure to be found for bee venom.
Smooth Bees Wax
There is a rich tradition of using beeswax in candles, seals, therapeutic skin creams, salves, varnishes and polishes.
Guiding Pollination
Pollination of plants is the most important activity of bees. Experts can control some of the pollination activity of bees to target certain crops. The reproduction of plant life requires the fast and effective work of bugs and birds. However, only the pollination activities of bees can be efficiently controlled by experts.
About Richard Blech
Richard J Blech is an entrepreneur dedicated to profitable environmental business. He was involved in the founding and running of a few companies including ECO Corporation a provider of renewable energy solutions for retrofits and PKMS2 Technologies Ltd an internet security platform. Beekeeping is Richard Blech’s hobby and expertise. Bees provide a model for efficient and productive business.