Monday, November 18, 2013

Data Just Got a Whole Lot Safer

PKMS2 Technologies Ltd
With the rapid exchange of data across multiple communication channels and devices, today’s business world is a brave new world. While data security used to be ensured by removing sensitive corporate data into the paper shredder, this is now near to impossible with the multifaceted ways the average user can save their data. Once a computer has established a connection with the internet, doors of possibility open for unethical data seekers to obtain information. Identity thieves, embezzlers, and corporate spies can now access high level organizational information with the click of the mouse. While many companies have data security policies and classes such as HIPPA training, many employees do not always abide by the security guidelines. Bringing a thumb-drive to work so that an employee can finish the day’s work at home, make needed edits to a next-day presentation, or even download from the company internet for personal purposes on their lunch break, are ways in which infected software can enter into a network. Like a fly on the wall listening in, a malicious bug can find its way into a corporate secure network undetected. With social media platforms like Facebook, and online video sharing sites like YouTube, seemingly innocuous files may carry the downfall of unsuspecting companies who think their sensitive information is safe. Wills, stock certificates, property deeds, bank statements and other important documents are left exposed to threat without the proper data security.

In his new investment with PKMS2 Technologies Ltd, Richard Blech is putting a lock-down on data threat. PKMS2 Technologies is the owner and operator of their patent-pending PKMS2 state-of-the-art- encryption, which was acquired from the founders of Wikifamilies, Inc. Wikifamilies is a Swiss-American social media technology provider, developer and operator of secure communication and data storage services for families and businesses. PKMS2 created the social media platform, and is a new breakthrough in secure online communities. Meant to provide secure network communications, entertainment, and functionality, the company will be a place where trusted groups can connect, share and securely archive and access important data. The company will be a revolutionary source of data security across multiple platforms of communication, including mobile devices.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles /

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